

Shipping Information

We ship worldwide

All packages are shipped from Denmark with Post Nord.

Tracked Shipping — 75 DKK

Estimated delivery time: 6-15 workdays

UK Customers

Due to Brexit - the shipping to UK is a little more tedious. We have found a workaround which is selling to you through Etsy.
If you want to be sure to get the set you want - please purchase it through the website. Once the order comes through we will get in touch with you in order to create a combined Etsy listing for the items you want where we deduct the tax amount. Etsy will then add the taxes to the purchase and we’re able to send to UK using Etsy’s VAT number.
There is a chance your money will be withdrawn from both the website and Etsy, but we will refund your money from the website as soon as possible.

You can also write us using the forms or instagram, stating what you want and we’ll remove it from our site as soon as we can, and make a listing - this however means that someone might purchase the items you want before we have a chance to take them off site.

We do not cover any customs/import charges that might be added after we've shipped the item.